Mass produced tea, relies on the plantation model which is bad for the environment & farmers. We only buy Equal Exchange organic tea. Read the full post for more........
We use a naturalenvironmentally friendly, decaffeination process on our tea leaves. Here's a breakdown of how it works. Read the full ariclicle for more......
Do you drink green tea? It can help to reduce inflammation while the herbal partner in the blend soothes & relaxes, providing a great balance. Read the full post for more......
According to research, drinking tea eases anxiety on a scientific level. We identify 4 ingredients with solid research to support anti-anxiety benefits. Read the full post for more......
Did you know tea cubes are a great way to cool your tea without diluting it? Or that you can use your tea bags multiple times? Read the full post for tea hacks we know you will love.....
Are you tired of big business using labelling laws to mislead consumers about the non-existent health benefits of packaged iced teas? We are! Read the full article here....
We explore common mistakes tea lovers make when preparing their tea that can ruin flavor & prevent the extraction of the most beneficial compounds. Click for more.....
Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. But how good is it for you? Are there any negative effects of drinking it? Read the full post for more......
In this post we explore the many benefits of oolong tea. By articles end, we think you will want to start including more oolong tea into your diet! Enjoy the read.......
Catechins are abundant in the young leaves and buds of tea plants. Do you know catechins are beneficial in the fight against cancer & obesity? Read the full article for more....
We have curated 10 wonderfully simple and gut-friendly recipes that you might like to enjoy with a cup (or two!) of our Purify Organic Detox Tea! Read the full article for more.......