The Hormone Helper!

Rebalance Organic Hormone TeaOur Blog Contributor, Tania Pritchard, Trialled Our New Hormone Blend, Rebalance, for 7 Days. Here’s What Happened.

Whenever I’m road testing a new tea, particularly a health and wellness tea, I usually have a fairly good idea of what results to expect before I start. However, when I stepped up to try Tea Now’s new hormone balancing blend, Rebalance, I had no idea what to expect because I haven’t really ever had any solid idea on what my hormones should be doing in the first place. How would I know if I was out of balance? What kinds of effects should I look for?

So as directed, I drank one well brewed cup of Rebalance morning and night for seven days in a row. During this time, I didn’t reduce my consumption of black tea. For me this was an important part of the trial because simply reducing caffeine in itself can help your hormones rebalance a little - and I wanted to be able to see that the effects truly were from Rebalance, not just because I backed off the caffeine.

After two days of drinking the hormone balancing tea, I began to notice a slight elevation in my general mood as well as clearer skin. These were definitely welcome improvements, but not quite earthshattering.

Then on day 5, the earth moved.

Since giving birth to my youngest daughter, my monthly cramps have introduced me to a whole new world of pain. I’d been told previously that this was simply due to a combination of strained tissue in my uterus and certain hormone levels happening during that time of the month. Certain hormone levels? A little red flag should have gone up for me at that point, but I ignorantly thought that this was just how things were going to be for me now. That it was all just part and parcel of being a mum.

When my monthly cycle rolled around on day 5 of my Rebalance trial, at a time when I would usually being reaching for the painkiller like a child screaming for lollies, I took nothing for the pain. There was no need - there was no pain, only a faint ache that was easily fended off with some targeted stretches.

I was gobsmacked.

By the end of my seven day Rebalance road test, not only had I experienced this overwhelming result, but I had also noticed a significant reduction in breast tenderness (another monthly bane), a greatly improved skin tone as well as an overall increased sense of wellbeing.

When considering Rebalance’s ingredients, the effects I felt are not a surprise. Rebalance is a powerhouse of herbs that are known for their positive influence on female hormones - especially their ability to help overcome both PMS and menopause symptoms, making this blend great for women of all ages. These herbs include rosehip, ginger root, chaste berry, peppermint, black cohosh, red clover, dong quai, evening primrose, ginkgo, ginseng, licorice, pink roses and goji berries.

Plus it tastes great too!

Tea Now’s Rebalance hormone tea is fragrantly earthy and fresh, with a soft undertone that dances somewhere between fruity and woody. I cannot wait to get my hands on some more of this great tea. Give it a try, I’m pretty sure you’ll be hooked as well.

Tania Pritchard Tea Blogger

* Tania Pritchard is a tea enthusiast with an interest in health and wellness. We love her take on all things tea & she is a regular contributor to our blog.

Tania is not a qualified health practitioner. Always consult a heath professional before deciding if a health product is right for you.

* Rebalance Organic Hormone Tea will be available for sale via our site from 15 March 2021. We will share more about this exciting blend in the lead up to launch.